Ha salido la nueva TechNet Magazine de agosto con muchas notas interesantes. Les paso el resumen, y el link para leerla.

Saludos, Roberto Di Lello.

cc707780_cover August 2008

SQL Server: Top Tips for Effective Database Maintenance

Far too often, people who are not trained database administrators somehow end up responsible for a database. They lack the proper training and knowledge to maintain their database, and problems begin to develop. Here’s a primer for all those involuntary DBAs who need a crash course in database maintenance best practices. Paul S. Randal

Windows Administration: Taking Your Server’s Pulse

Your users are complaining that a server is running poorly—do you know where to look to diagnose the problem? PerfMon can be an indispensible tool for this as it has numerous diagnostic capabilities. Get an overview of the key indicators you should use to diagnose a variety of common bottlenecks that can slow down your servers. Steven Choy

System Center: Windows PowerShell in System Center Operations Manager

Windows PowerShell has been integrated into System Center Operations Manager 2007, offering a powerful way to perform and automate common administrative tasks. Get an overview of how you can use Windows PowerShell in OpsMgr to perform routine maintenance, manage agents, and more. Marco Shaw

Internet Information Services: Scaling ASP.NET Applications: Lessons Learned

The key to successfully scaling an ASP.NET application is having a collaborative effort between developers and network administrators, starting at the beginning of the application’s lifecycle. Find out what factors are necessary to scale an application, and see how this collaboration can help ensure the application will run as intended. Richard Campbell

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By Roberto Di Lello

Hola, soy Roberto Di Lello trabajo como Consultor Senior en Infraestructura, especializado en Tecnologias Microsoft con mas de 25 años en la industria. He sido galardonado como MS-MVP en Active Directory-Enterprise Mobility por 10 años, y actualmente soy MVP Windows Insider, ademas de poseer otras certificaciones de Microsoft. He trabajado en distintos projectos que involucran Migraciones, Implementaciones, y soporte de Active Directory y Microsoft Exchange, y en los ultimos años me he desempeñado armando equipos de trabajo para diferentes paises y areas de sistemas, he planificado a distintas migraciones a datacenters (ambiente cloud y mixtos). He tenido la oportunidad de participar como miembro del staff de Microsoft en eventos internacionales como ser TechEd NorteAmerica y MS Ignite (NA) al ser Trainer Certificado por Microsoft (MCT).